Sunday 25 July 2010

Impending visit from the stork

So as Richard has told you in so many words, we are expecting again which is wonderful after the upset of last autumn. The baby is due on November 2, and I am in my 25 week, so just leaving the second trimester.

I have been extremely fortunate to have very few of the symptoms of pregnancy - no sickness, no insomnia and very few aches and pains - but definitely have a few of the others - tiredness, swelling feet, deteriorated vision and absent mindedness. Because of last time and also my age, we have had several scans, and an amniocentesis test for chromosome deficiencies (i.e. Down syndrome), which fortunately came back negative. I'm also having a scan every couple of weeks so we're getting so see the baby very often. In the last couple of weeks I've felt movement for the first time (feels a bit like wind!) which is amazing, but I'm sure will wear thin pretty soon.

We know the sex of the baby - the amniocentesis is very conclusive, so if you want to know let Richard know. Makes it slightly easier for choosing names (which we haven't yet). So that's all the news for now, but I'll let you know if anything changes.


Muckyfingers said...

Many huge congratulations lovely lady xXx ps. I'd love to know :)

Bearded Fool said...

You have been informed! Enjoy your illicit knowledge.