Wednesday 23 March 2011

Drugs make me itch

Some news on our colds, both are improving and the world is a happier place. After a week of one thing and another I went to see the doctor about mine and his basic response was 'You have a cold', not exactly what I wanted to hear in my sleep deprived and slightly addled state, but it was the truth! Secondly he gave me some Tylenol 3, to help me sleep through the sore throat etc. Now this is one of the more serious painkillers over here, it is made up of acetaminophen, codeine, and caffeine. This is the little bugger that made my skin feel all warm and itchy, one of the possible side-effects to cadeine apparently, a strange feeling.

I have to say I felt bad taking the Tylenol 3, it's the same stuff Jacqui took while recovering from having her wisdom teeth removed and I'm sure she was in a whole lot more pain than me. But the long and short of it is, both Dan and I are on the mend, although we are both only sleeping for short periods.

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