Wednesday 6 October 2010

Grrr, vent vent vent + baby note right at the end.....

Today was not a fun or interesting day, it has been painful and frustrating. It started pretty well with a trip into Edmonton for breakfast with friends from Focus. I had a dentist's appointment booked for 10:10 and plenty of time to get there.

Next I travelled to the bus stop where things went down hill. I got there at 8:55, which is eight minutes early according to my schedule. And the waiting began, it got to 9:20 and a drop off only bus arrived and told me my bus should be along soon. Apparently 30 minutes is soon. My schedule also mentioned another bus that would turn up on the other side of the road around 9:22, this did not happen. So at 9:50 ish the bus turned up, I got on and asked what was going on, mentioned how long I was waiting and recieved a comment from the bus driver that all was well. This did not assuage my anger.

Then I noticed the new bus schedule sitting at the front of the bus and I felt the potential embarassment assailing me. And how apt it was, the bus company had the affront to change the schedule for my bus and the one that should have been across the road. The change was only 10 mins so I must have missed the 'new' bus by a smidgen. On leaving the bus I apologised to the driver for my attitude and made my way to the dentist some 30 minsute late. Got in, got settled and then was attacked by a smiling madman with a drill and suction. The process went pretty well and I got my walk in for the day on the way home (roughly 5 k).

Had some lunch and then the pain started to come through. My jaw started aching and I decided sleep was the way to go. I had a very disturbed nap and awoke in some pain, looked up some things on the web and had a couple of paracetamol then some ibuprofen. These kicked in and the pain magically went away. And that's it really for me.

More interesting to everyone including me, Jacqui had a trip to the doctor today and he reckons that the baby is not looking imminent at the moment for whatever that's worth!

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