Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Sick Children

We've been lucky so far in that Dan has been healthy for most of his time on Earth, barring the last couple of weeks and an early bout of chicken pox.

But when the lurgy does strike we are generally not prepared very well. Sniffles and colds are no issue but temperatures still worry us large amounts. I think it's the radical change in personality that trigger the concern glands.

Dan has has two virus's over the past few weeks and the first time it was truly worrying. Being first time parents we did okay, did not panic exactly but we did get our money's worth from the Canadian health service. On that point I have to say both Healthlink and our local doctors have been helpful and patient. On viruses, they suck. Anything that lasts a week and can't be treated is definitely a bad, bad word.

Well if you find yourself in this situation with a new child then my advice would be, do what you think is best. You are the best patent and judge of your child's moods and defender of their well-being. We are still new t this parenting lark and need reassurance and guidance as much as anyone. Don't be afraid of going to the doctor if you think it's necessary, be patient though, sometimes you need to wait for reassurance :)

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