Here are a couple of very short videos of our munchkin taking some of his first steps. We're lucky that he's so enthusiastic as he does make a good actor.
And a couple of stills
This is the blog for Richard, Jacqui & baby Daniel and our grand adventure to the world of Canadia. We have travelled from deepest webbed Norfolk to the glittering lights and challenging temperatures of Edmonton, Alberta. Read of our adventues, and admire our amateur attempts at photographing everyday items and bits of nature.
And the next equally important prize was for first package, and this went to Gerry from France whose hobbies include exceptionally long letters and collecting grandchildren. Gerry repurposed an Amazon box, green and prompt!
We love receiving stuff in the post so thanks for those we have received and those en route.
From the office of Dan Daningstone VIP, MB, ETC
From the office of Dan Daningstone VIP, MB, ETC
He's still going so I better go back to my duties.
We thought he was teething and it was nice to be proven correct in the 'why's he doing that' lottery ;)
Young Dan has discovered the fun of pushing things around. Mentally and physically of course So this is a good example of the latter.
I wander back through and try to give Dan some more orange juice, he was still up the table. He quite forcefully declined sending the plastic cup to the floor. Now somehow, probably Newton's fault, the juice managed to go all the way down then fly back up and hit me in the face. Not the cup just the juice. And thus more bad thoughts were thunk.
So there you are, in my mind two very different, unlikely things in as many minutes. Not earth shattering but points of interest in my everyday life. Now I need to wash juice off me.
Oh yes and Dan is nearly walking now. The backache stage for parents as you hold their little hands and they stomp off in search of adventure.
Now things are quiet, the guests have left and Jacqui has taken Dan out for a walk. I'm sitting here about to watch the oilers drinking a beer and finishing off Jenn's spicy chicken dip
Thanks also for all the presents, Dan has so much new stuff to play with, wear, ride and read. And we have a good reason to get out for a meal. Thanks guys. I'll post some pics soon.
Dan is now moving to some extent. He spins round on the floor when he gets on his front and moves slowly backwards for some reason.
The most worrying thing is the rolling over when he's on the bed. He definitely does this without due care and attention, and has succumbed to gravity on one occasion.
There is some interest in standing up although balance is an alien concept grasped at random, most things are grasped at random actually. And bitten at random as well. Those four teeth are deadly!
Unfortunately both items were identical and turned up at exactly the same time. This means that the prize of 'a lovely pack of biscuits' will be given to the judges instead. Thank you
for taking part and we look forward to hearing from you in the future, when we need something else;)
Thanks Liz and Carolyn, you have both been upgraded to the executive suite for your next visit.
The first day young Dan seemed to be teething badly which meant that out of the 4 or 5 hours on the road he was crying or complaining for at least three of them. I know if wasn't his fault but it wasn't fun either ;p
Today we started at roughly the same time and although he wasn't too happy to start with Jacqui got him to sleep and he was down for a good hour and a half. Time enough for us to get to Lake Louise where we stopped at the historic railway station for some good food in fascinating surroundings. We would really recommend the restaurant. Dan stayed awake after dinner and for the whole journey to Golden. And he was in a good mood the whole way helped by careful toy selection on my part.
As I speak he is drifting off to sleep with Jacqui and peace reigns while the rain falls.
Admittedly she was only gone for an hour but good practice nonetheless. She noticed that the excessive rain was not traveling down the gutters and pipes as designed and a blockage was identified. So today she was forced out the bedroom window with a bucket and rubber gloves. And a job was well done albeit quite nervously. Looks like more extreme measures will be necessary if I want to get my hands on the lovely insurance money.
Next steps involve nailing him to the floor and actively discouraging any form of movement.
Ok, ok I also a lovely card from 'Dan', and a truly wonderful Strawberry Gateaux from my less than ten stone wife. BTW we checked and she was still below ten after the cake ;).
It was absolutely chucking it down so we did not do much but a good day was had by all.
Now we just need to work out how to keep Tanja here for 18 years.
1: Take one child who has been sleeping with his mother for about six months.
2: Place child in cot one night after about six months, including a couple of months trying to get him to sleep alone.
3: Child sleeps for ten hours, mum wakes in a panic, both parents in shock.
And that's how it happened this week. It's not always that good, but last night Jacqui put him down at 22:30 for the second time and he stayed there until 06:30 which is cool.
He also talks to himself when he wakes up in the early mornings, it's still cute hearing him warbling away in the early hours ;). And he has learned the skill of drifting off to sleep when he wakes, excellent.
So this has gone from a concern about how we were going to make it happen to something else that is just working for us. We really have been so lucky with him
And a note to Gene, you said Sasha just made the change at about six months. It appears great babies think alike.
I'll do a proper update with pics when I feel better.
I'll sign off now for the moment and let you get back to whatever you were doing.