Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Week Two in the Big Miller Household

All in all we're pleased with how last week went and this week is starting pretty well.  I got as much done yesterday as I did all of last week so that's cool.  Dan seems happy, he played on his own yesterday for half an hour while I did stuff and he's good today too.  Naps still going well, I put him down at the weekend as well and that gave Jacqui some lovely, lovely time off.

Today is the last library group thing and tomorrow a Halloween party!  The world is an exciting place.  I still need to organise some more stuff and I'm hoping to meet some people tomorrow who want to go out and do things.  Without putting words into Jacqui's mouth I think work's going well, she's definitely right back in it although quite tired, as the munchkin is a sleeper of dubious effectiveness at the moment.  More pictures in the next few days hopefully including the new star of Halloween.

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