Sunday, 24 July 2011

What a Difference Four Days Make .....

When we went away Dan was refusing virtually every morsel of food and now we`re back he`s sticking virtually every thing we put in front of him into the gaping maw.  Admittedly he`s not actually swallowing much but the interest is definitely there.

He gained this amazing talent on our trip and he has since tasted many things from squid to cheerios.  Thanks to that Bishop woman for the cheerios tip, he may not actually eat many but it takes him ages to pick them up and try them all :)

Other changes include:
  Tantrums if left in the car seat for very long.
  Making silly lalalala noises and knowing he`s being silly
  Understanding mirrors

One other thing to note, I wondered in the past why parents only really talked about their children and very little else.  I now know why, everything you do is around them and therefore that`s all you do, obvious really but at least it answers the question.

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