Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Virtual Update July 14thish

Jacqui's doing well, she has promised to add some baby updates in the very near future, wouldn't hold your breath though. She has definitely started to 'show', and she is encountering other pregnancy related issues, I am hiding my head under the blankets, it's safer that way. As way of a baby summary the little monkey's fine, the amneo results were good news for us, Jacqui will fill in the details I'm sure.

I have been away from Focus for two months now and getting into the swing of things, especially now that we have the house back to ourselves once more. My cooking continues as well as my investigation of new projects and my mission to rekindle my imagination. My roaming around St. Albert is increasing, my walk in the morning is now taking 1 - 1.5 hours, and i've had the bike out again for when i really want to suffer.

This week is insurance renewal, house tidying and other bits and pieces, I might go and post Jacqui's dress for her, who can tell in this crazy world of mine.

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