Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Video Culture

Yesterday Jacqui, me and a couple of people we know over here went to see the last performance of the Symphony under the Stars in Edmonton. Not my first choice of outing but I was persuaded that it was in my best interests to attend. Jacqui really enjoyed it, the orchestra were really good, and they had big guns there as well, so I was moderately placated.

I filmed the last bit of the 1812 overture, the bit with the guns, it's attached below in glorious shaky cam. The one thing that the film can't show is the concussion that we felt when the guns went off, like a short sharp gust of wind and someone shaking your organs about......


Friend of Buddha said...

Bearded fool discovers moving pictures... world goes into shock :-)

Bearded Fool said...

Fear the fool's power of technomancy!!