Friday, 22 October 2010

Nerd! Gigantic NERD!

This weekend I shall be doing one of the most nerdy things I have ever attempted. I have paid for an online ticket to Blizzcon 2010. For those of you not in the know, this is a virtual ticket to a real conference run by a company which creates games. In essence I will be watching discussion panels, videos and competitions held somewhere down south in the lands of the US.

So far the video is a bit flaky, I'll have to try wandering round the house with the laptop to see if it improves.

And what is Jacqui doing while I geek-out? 'Whatever the hell she likes, I'm busy' is definitely not the case:) She's off on a woman's retreat with her church up north somewhere, not too far away though. She's getting a lift with her Duola Jenny, who is like a professional birth partner, there for support and non-medical stuff during the birth. This makes things much less stressful for the trip and birth both :)

FYI all non-baby posts will have a small note about baby status in them to keep people informed without flooding you with posts :)

Jacqui is doing well, very pregnant, the doctors say everything is progressing well. The signs are that the baby could be any time between now and two weeks away, so no news there really.

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