Saturday, 7 March 2009


This month, the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) have been hosting a series of science nights in primary schools and a 'science olympics' on Saturday.

On Wednesday night, I helped out at a school in St Albert. There were a dozen tables around the gym, each hosting a different hands-on science activity and more than a hundred children visited in the two hours and tried these activities out. I was doing chromatography - the children drew dots with felt tip pens on a circle of coffee filter paper and then threaded a pipe cleaner through the centre of the paper. The paper was then placed on top of a cup of water and the pipe cleaner drew the water up onto the coffee paper and caused the inks to separate and spread from the centre outwards. Really simple but some really good results.

Saturday, the science olympics was held in one of the convention halls in Alberta - about 50 teams of six children doing various scientific challenges - the parachuting eggs was particularly exciting. I was again helping with the hand-son activities, this time making silly putty = copydex + water + food colouring + borax solution (water softener I believe). A great chance to make a mess and my fingers are still slightly blue.

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