Thursday, 19 June 2008

G Day

Well, my grandparents arrived ok although they gave me a few moments of panic at the airport. I got to the arrivals gate in good time, and eventually everyone from their plane started coming through and so I waited...and waited...and finally I was the only person left and there was no sign of them.

I was just in the process of looking for someone to ask if
a. they were actually on that plane, or
b. had fallen asleep and carried on to Vancouver
when they came out the doors. One of their bags had been misplaced, although fortunately they found it the minute Grandma had filled in the lost baggage form.

So I got them back to the house ok and they managed to stay awake until about 10pm (5am) and then went to bed. I've left them asleep this morning while I come into work, but I'll be back at lunchtime and I've got tomorrow off too to show them around.

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