Saturday, 12 April 2008

The Birds

Well, despite a large dump of snow last weekend, spring finally seems to have sprung again, with temperatures of up to +20 predicted for this weekend. Nature has come out in force and the air is full of bird calls and squirrel sqeaks.
One interesting phenomenan the other day was the yearly visit of the waxwings. We have a couple of mountin ash trees in the garden which have been covered in red berries all through the winter. A couple of weeks ago, a huge flock of waxwings descended on the trees and stripped them bare. Richard managed to get a photo. It's difficult to see at first but if you open it up to full size, you should be able to see about 30 of them - look for the yellow tails.

We also went for a walk by the River Sturgeon in St Albert (BIG mistake as with all the ice melting, its a bit stinky at the moment) but we saw a couple of woodpeckers one of which even obligingly kept still long enough for us to take a photo.

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