Sunday, 5 August 2007


Last Friday afternoon, my company held a golf tournament - the Wozniak Cup named after the first director of the company, Mr Cup. Richard and I duly signed up - we'd both played mini golf before, so how hard could the grown up version be? Very, it turns out. We were playing in teams of 4, with Texas(?) rules where everyone has a drive, and then the next shot is played from the best ball. Richard and I were hopeless - swinging is not as easy as we have been lead to believe! Strangely our game improved after a few beers, while everyone else seemed to get worse. However, the weather was gorgeous, we got to drive around in golf buggies and the evening ended with a cracking steak barbecue. Wonderful. I even saw some nature in the form of a couple of beavers in one of the ponds.

Here's a photo of Richard's team - David, Donna and Sean and one of Richard retrieving his first excellent, if not very accurate, ball!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey richard you didn't hit the ball hard enough as you did have to swim to retrieve it or is that why the beavers are there. Similar to the scroats at Mouse Hold who look for wayward balls.

Guess both of you are going to have to practice golf on the WII and not just cow racing which I believe is a sport also over there in the wilds of Canada