Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Cheaper Flights is Nice.

This year a Canadian airline called Westjet has announced that it will be providing flights from Edmonton to Gatwick.

This has spurred Air Canada to provide flights on it's new Air Rouge service for comparable rates. This means a flight that could cost us $4k now will be falling to $2.5k next year. This is all excellent.

Now some things will cost extra on these flights, each airline is different, but the packages that I've seen look well priced and attractive.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

At the Edmonton Model Train Show

Jacqui took Dan to the annual Edmonton model train show over in Sherwood Park.  Looks like he is having a great time.  I think he's been into trains for 2/3 of his life so far.  They found the lego and he was happy as anything, last night he was hassling his Canadian grandmother for more lego trains for home.

And this is what he built, took him a good ten minutes or so...............

He has also been hassling his mum, almost constantly, for his own proper model train set.  Little does he know ....... DUN, DUN, DUNNNNNNNN!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Just got this

Anyone know what it is ? :)

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Fear the Power

The power of reading! Dan finished both library games over the summer and really enjoyed them. I think he liked the older version more as it had a greater variety of things to do.

For those that don't know, you sign up, complete six or seven daily challenges and this leads you to a conclusion. This summer he found a unicorn and saved a kingdom, not bad for a 4yr old. Oh, and he got to pick a book as a prize.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Kindergarten is the Best Thing Ever

That was a quote from a tearful father as I waved him off and prepared to enjoy something I wanted to watch on TV and then at some point close the bathroom door when I needed to use the facilities.  Happy, happy times.

Dan is really enjoying his classes, all the kids are getting used to each other and the teachers seem interested and enthusiastic.  Dan is doing French Immersion in the morning and English in the afternoon.  He says he likes English best, this is almost certainly due to quality of toys.

I know a couple of the parents now, they range from from indifferent to nice :)  I'm helping out a bit with envelopes and some bits before school, it helps me get a feel for the class and school and I'm glad to do it.

I learned some important lessons too.  Dan came back after the first day and said that some children found it funny that he had Frozen yoghurt tubes and not superhero ones.  Dan told them that he didn't care what was on the outside as long as the inside was nice.  I was seriously impressed with his attitude ............ I also changed his tube the next day.  Being mature is great, but no need to separate him from the group with no real reason.

We've also had to take a modicum of effort dressing him appropriately, couple of times I noticed that he just looked uncoordinated or just dressed wrongly.  Now I double check him before we head down for breakfast.

All in all it's going very well, he's happy, we're happy, and the house is noticeably cleaner-ish.  My things to do list now exists and grows day by day, I've heard the real trick is to make it shrink but I've yet to be convinced.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Excellent track, planner but apparently not very happy about it.

Dan is really good at planning and building train layouts.  But he has picked up his dad's unfortunate habit of almost perpetual frown.  Poor bastard.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Back to Work Monkey!

Freedom!!! Dan had his first full day at kindergarten today.

All probably went well, he is being quite guarded with this priceless information. I going to assume it's all good until proven otherwise.