Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Warning: Dirty Post

This morning Dan created the worst nappy of my reign as chief wiper.  My discovery of said monstrosity proceeded as follows.

1:  Smell unpleasantness, nothing strange here, move spoggle to changing table.
2: Remove subjects trousers, shoes and plastic pants.
3: Remove nappy and stare in wonder at shear volume and coverage attained.
4: Clean front and undercarriage of subject, replace nappy:

This is where it all went horribly wrong.

5: Notice horrible seepage into plastic pants, remove pants, remove new nappy.  Re-clean Dan.
6: New nappy, new plastic pants, Put trousers back on Dan.
7: Have horrible thought, check his jeans, thought confirmed, leakage into jeans. 
8: Remove jeans, clean Dan once more.  Replace jeans with clean trousers.  Socks and shoes back on.
9: Sit Dan up, glimpse something, yes he leaked all up his back too.
10: Laugh strangely, remove everything apart from socks, nappy and plastic pants.
11: Clean the poor little monkey's back and any other bits that I missed before.
12: Redress and admire a job well done after disinfecting hands arms and mind.

Total time 20 minutes.  So a complete change of clothes except the socks, and he seemed determined to mire them in it too were it not for my assertions to the opposite.  But he remained cheerful and it's already fading from my mind, until the next time ........

Don't do crusts

But I like smileys.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

A few up to date pictures of young Dan

Very happy in his cold weather gear

At a local indoor play area yesterday, he's a good lad.

Showing me that circles will not fit in the smiley mouth shape.