Saturday, 31 December 2011

You get knocked down and you get up again

Here are a couple of very short videos of our munchkin taking some of his first steps.  We're lucky that he's so enthusiastic as he does make a good actor.

And a couple of stills

Monday, 12 December 2011

First of the Season

We have had a couple of Christmas firsts already. The prize for first card goes to Nick & Mo, well done you two. Although there was a minor inquiry into the usage of printed address labels, the conclusion being you were just being smarter than most people ;)

And the next equally important prize was for first package, and this went to Gerry from France whose hobbies include exceptionally long letters and collecting grandchildren. Gerry repurposed an Amazon box, green and prompt!

We love receiving stuff in the post so thanks for those we have received and those en route.

From the office of Dan Daningstone VIP, MB, ETC

Sunday, 11 December 2011

And now he's crawling.

Yes you guessed it, clever you, he's now crawling. Not all the time but fairly efficiently.

From the office of Dan Daningstone VIP, MB, ETC

Saturday, 10 December 2011

More movement...

Another quick video of the moving machine.

More food barkeep

Some better news of the food front. Little demon #34 is now accepting new foods once again. He almost had a balanced meal. Some minced beef, peas, carrots and rice with a chunk of Farley's risk for dessert.

He's still going so I better go back to my duties.

More munch in munchkin

Well that explains why I thought the little guy was 'slightly off' this week. He appears to have broken through FOUR more teeth. Two more incisors at the bottom and two more further back again at the bottom. That's ten whole teeth. Or ten bucks invested for the tooth fairy.

We thought he was teething and it was nice to be proven correct in the 'why's he doing that' lottery ;)

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

And Away we Go!

Hopefully this comes out okay otherwise I'll come back later and make it work.

Young Dan has discovered the fun of pushing things around. Mentally and physically of course So this is a good example of the latter.