Here are a couple of very short videos of our munchkin taking some of his first steps. We're lucky that he's so enthusiastic as he does make a good actor.
And a couple of stills
This is the blog for Richard, Jacqui & baby Daniel and our grand adventure to the world of Canadia. We have travelled from deepest webbed Norfolk to the glittering lights and challenging temperatures of Edmonton, Alberta. Read of our adventues, and admire our amateur attempts at photographing everyday items and bits of nature.
And the next equally important prize was for first package, and this went to Gerry from France whose hobbies include exceptionally long letters and collecting grandchildren. Gerry repurposed an Amazon box, green and prompt!
We love receiving stuff in the post so thanks for those we have received and those en route.
From the office of Dan Daningstone VIP, MB, ETC
From the office of Dan Daningstone VIP, MB, ETC
He's still going so I better go back to my duties.
We thought he was teething and it was nice to be proven correct in the 'why's he doing that' lottery ;)
Young Dan has discovered the fun of pushing things around. Mentally and physically of course So this is a good example of the latter.