Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Le Daniel est dans l'arbre

Well the first leg of our European vacation is going well. We got here ok after over 24 hours traveling, which was no mean feat. Baby transporting is definitely more trouble than the normal kind.
We've now been in France for a while and everything had been nice and relaxing. Dan has had more attention than ever before, and he's loving it. We have been staying with Jacqui's parents and her sisters have come over to see us along with one of the attached husbands, I'm pretty sure everyone has been quite keen on our new addition.

I'll sign off now for the moment and let you get back to whatever you were doing.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

We went to watch Canadia's National Sport

Yes we went to watch some lacrosse! We being me and the man John, Jacqui was left at home with Daniel of course, although she did not make me dinner, needs more training obviously.

The crowd were much more Canadian Football than Hockey, ie more drunk and more baseball caps :) But we got some good tickets and got a excellent view of the game. Neither John or me knew the rules so we watched mystified for a while then we got the hang of it and enjoyed the game. It's been a couple of weeks so I'm sorry if i get this wrong but I know we lost and i think it was 15-10. And for most of the game it did not look like we were going to get that close. But plenty of goals and we both enjoyed it.

They had a bunch of things to keep everyone entertained in the gaps, these included cheerleaders (example pic below), a wing eating competition and two guys on choppers riding on along with a pimped out van.

It does feel strange that this is the Canadian national sport, the guys are all part-time and there's a massive difference in money and following compared to hockey. That being said they put on a good show and it feels good to be one of the few Canadians who have been to a lacrosse game :)