Quick weekly-
ish update. This week we have been to the the doctors for Daniel for a general checkup, Jacqui went to the
obstetrician for her checkup and the parents have both been here and been to Jasper.
Last first, my parents are just finishing their time with us and we'll be taking them to the airport this afternoon to catch their flight back. They squeezed in a trip to Jasper earlier this week and thoroughly enjoyed it and they have been loads of help to us both all the time they've been here.
Jacqui's 6-week checkup went well and she will be out there clearing snow any time now:)
And the little man himself,
hmm changes this week:
Making more noises.
Kicking a load more
Seems to be settling down a bit to a feeding schedule.
Chucking out some monster poos, several leak alerts this week!
Getting more aware day by day
He was also weighed at the doctor's and he's 9 pounds 6 ounces, and the doc was happy with this and every thing about him. He also complimented Jacqui on managing to get this far only on breast milk.
Oh yes and we got him baptised, I'll let Jacqui pick up that post and the plethora of pics