Thursday, 16 December 2010


Young Daniel's started making some noises which are not really human. My friend Gene's kid Sasha sounds like a pterodactyl, nothing that loud for Dan, he's more of an 80's film buff.
A couple of times I've said hello to him and he has definitely responded in light-side gremlin, or mogwai as it's also known. The internet has many examples of this, but let's just say it is very cute and endearing.

I know that I mostly compare Dan using pop culture references, but that's what I know :)

Monday, 13 December 2010

6 Weeks old, and he's not even talking yet

Quick weekly-ish update. This week we have been to the the doctors for Daniel for a general checkup, Jacqui went to the obstetrician for her checkup and the parents have both been here and been to Jasper.

Last first, my parents are just finishing their time with us and we'll be taking them to the airport this afternoon to catch their flight back. They squeezed in a trip to Jasper earlier this week and thoroughly enjoyed it and they have been loads of help to us both all the time they've been here.

Jacqui's 6-week checkup went well and she will be out there clearing snow any time now:)

And the little man himself, hmm changes this week:
Making more noises.
Kicking a load more
Seems to be settling down a bit to a feeding schedule.
Chucking out some monster poos, several leak alerts this week!
Getting more aware day by day

He was also weighed at the doctor's and he's 9 pounds 6 ounces, and the doc was happy with this and every thing about him. He also complimented Jacqui on managing to get this far only on breast milk.

Oh yes and we got him baptised, I'll let Jacqui pick up that post and the plethora of pics associated.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

The Abominal Snowman

Errr...I think the snow suit I bought Dan may be a bit big...

Friday, 3 December 2010

Hey 5 weeks already ...

Time flying ...... losing touch ....... losing adult speech capability .... whooosa a wodja wodja wodge then? Whooosa wodja den?

Things are moving apace here little munchkin is growing physically and mentally. Not huge steps from last week but little differences we notice. He has started kicking a lot more, this will make holding more a bit more of a challenge.

His eating habits are unpredictable at best but he does give us reasonable amounts of time at night. One thing that we are trying to change is our expectations. Babies are challenging and very changeable, we need to adapt to meet their needs much more than they can change to meet ours, at least initially, hard lesson right there.

My parents are helping out as much as they can, lots of washing up and baby holding and it is much appreciated.

Oh yeah a bit of a milestone this week, Jacqui managed to get the ole breast pump working this week and Dan was more than keen to guzzle it down when she was occupied elsewhere. This is a good thing and opens up some freedom possibilities for Mrs Miller.