Thursday, 27 May 2010

Do the walk

Damn you exercise, DAMN YOU. Ok that's out of the way, this morning I was striding along the leafy roads and paths of St. Albert. Jacqui dropped me off on the other side of town and I walked back.
The weather was a bit chilly, around 6 degrees I reckon, but the walk was refreshing and warmed me up a bit. The walk would not have been quite has long but my sense of direction was a bit challenged and I ended up in places I was not expecting.

But I managed to make it back, obviously, and I've cleaned a couple of bathrooms, my life is as exciting as it sounds :)

Thanks to those people taking the time to comment here and on Facebook, nice to know we're still remmebered!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Day one of early morning gym out of the way

I got up this morning with Jacqui at about 6:20 and she was good enough to drop me off at Servus Place at 7ish for an hour of exercise related shenanegans. 2000 metres rowing 20 mins of bike/track and a bunch of weights, then a lovely bus ride home with the rest of the weirdos.

And the rest of the day has been a mixture of cleaning, gardening and some R&R. Now I need to go and look at what I'm going to prepare for dinner, my money's on pasta.

Friday, 21 May 2010

Where to start.....

Ok then time to scrape the rust off and get the old girl up and running once more. Welcome back to a slice of our life in Canada.
'Has anything changed'? you may well ask, and the answer would be yes, yes indeed. I have joined the ranks of the unemployed, at least in the traditional sense. I will be staying at home to achieve some important things, both for me personally and to help us as a couple.

The biggest reason was, I need to lose weight, a big chunk of weight and it was not happening at work. To be honest I've probably been gaining weight since I started work 15 years ago, this has to stop.

So you can expect more entries here, along with information on my progress. It feels like my attitude is improving in some ways already. This can only be a good thing, anyone who knows me can attest to that. I'm already driving much more than I did before and although I have made some truly attrocious food buying decisions we're working on that.